Friday, July 25, 2008

Our Big Boy!

Look at this big boy who now prefers sippy cups instead of little baby who loved to snuggle and be held and fall asleep in my arms is getting so big! I can't believe it! I can't believe that he is 1 already and how big he is getting!! Same with the girls..I can't believe that they are 3 years old and they are going to be in pre-school this year! I can't believe it!!! they are all 3 growing up too fast! I am trying to cherish every moment with each of them!!! sooooo crazy?!?!?!

Swimming lessons

So, the girls are in swimming lessons for the next two weeks...We just finished week 1...yesterday was so cute! The girls jumped off the diving board with the assistance of the lifeguards of course! One lifeguard handed each girl to the lifeguard who was in the water and then they swam to the ladder with the lifeguard! I was so proud of them!!! On Tuesday some of the kids went down the slide....there is a small slide in the 3ft. part of the half of the class was brave enough to go but the girls were "too scared" they said. Kylie told me the reason she didn't go was "because the slide is too scary for little girls." Kate said that "it was too high and I didn't want my head to go under the water, Mommy" So, yesterday when I saw the class go over to the diving board...I thought oh great! But to my surprise, I saw Kylie go up third out of the class ( there are 10 kids) and Kate followed her! I was so surprised and happy!!! I was soooo proud of them!!! They waved at me across the pool right before they went into the water! We are making progress!!! Yeah!!!! There are 10 kids in the class and 6 of them went on the diving board! One little boy was screaming so loud I heard him across the pool! LOL! poor little guy!!!

The girls love their teacher. Kylie said that "Alex (their teacher who is a 19 year old girl) is my friend. She is so nice." Kate said that "Alex is pretty." LOL! Then Alex was sick on Wed. and Thurs. Kylie went up to her and said "Alex, are you feeling better today? " Alex said oh you are too sweet thanks for asking I am feeling better and Kylie said "oh good that makes me happy!" Isn't that so cute and sweet? The girls make me laugh each and every day! They are so funny!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

BBQ Days

We spent Saturday going to the parade and to the park on the rides and then on Sunday we watched fireworks. It was a fun weekend and the kids had a blast! The girls loved the rides!!!!


Carson is 1!!!

Auntie JuJu had a special little celebration with us for Carsy's Bday!

Celebration at home with the fam.!

Our little boy is 1! I can't believe it! We had a Diego themed birthday! The girls and Carson were so excited! The girls had more fun opening his gifts! :) We had a fun day! I just can't get over that our baby is 1!! isn't that crazy? Man, time goes by sooooo fast!!!! :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

sleeping angel!

Our little angel was so tuckered out this weekend that he fell asleep in Papa's lap! That never happens anymore...It was sooooo cute because Dustin wouldn't put him in his crib...he held him for about an hour and then told me how he wants another baby! Oh Dustin!!! He is so funny!!! It just melted my heart though watching Dustin hold Carson and just watching him...Carson was snoring! I love watching Carson sleep. He looks so angelic and so peaceful! He just looks so innocent...however, we all know different! hahaha! I just thought that was so adorable when Dust was holding him so gently and just couldn't let him cute! Dustin is such a good dad...the kids are sooooooo very very blessed to have him in their lives!!!!! Carsy is just such a ham....just like his Papa!!! :)

Picnic and Ice Cream

On Saturday we had a picnic and the kids played on the playground! Then, we went swiming to cool off and also we played in the sand! It was a fun fun day!!!! We topped it off by going to the DQ for some ice cream!!! yummy!!!!

4th of July!!!

We had such a wonderful 4th of July!!! We had a great day!! We went to Lifetime Fitness and swam in their outdoor pool, then we came home and had a BBQ. We made kabobs...our favorite! Then, we went to fireworks! It was a fabulous day!!!

night night!

The girls sleeping with Grandma Sue in her bed! They love sleeping in her bed when Grandpa is gone! Yes, I am thinking the same thing....Holy butt, Cindy!!! hahaha!!!

Papa and his new hog

Papa and his new hog! hahaha! jk!!! :) :)

The girls and hockey and Carson the climber

The girls love playing hockey with their Papa...meanwhile, Carson was climbing away on Kate's car that he was finally able to get a hold of! LOL!!! :)

Auntie Tanya and girls

Last Sun. morning we went to the park with Tanya and had donuts and juice! We had sooo much fun! The girls love Tanya's park! We had such a fun morning there!!!

Carsy is driving!

I thought these picts were oh so cute! Carson was "driving" the minivan! LOL! He thought he was soooo cool! He was turning the wheel and everything!