Friday, June 13, 2008


I am so thankful that I have three healthy kids. That is such a blessing! To have three healthy babies is just amazing. There are so many things that can happen and I don't think people are as grateful as they should be. Every day I count my blessings that I have Dustin and the kids. They are my everythings! I am so proud of all of them. Everyone give your children hugs tonite and say a prayer and thank God for your little angels. I know I will tonite. I was just reading an article about this little 6 year old girl in Texas who has a brain tumor. I could not even imagine. Pray for that family please. They must be going through such a terrible time. It is just so sad. Everything happens for a reason but that is just so hard to deal with. I feel so bad for them. Please count your blessings each and every day. Health is so important and to have healthy kids. Be happy that you are all loved and are able to love someone. Dustin is the best hubby I know there are many days when I don't think I could handle three kids without his love and support. He listens even when he is busy at work when I call him up and I am having a melt down because I can't find matching socks for one of the girls, when I am yelling because the girls won't stop fighting, when I am at my wits end because Carson is screaming at the top of his lungs all day long, or when I complain to him how I haven't been able to shower all day....he never complains he just sits on the phone and listens and says dont worry I will be home soon. That is his comment 90 percent of the time...even if it is 8 am and he usually doesn't get home until 4-5 pm LOL! I thank God every day for that man and the strength that he brings me. The kids also bring me strength but mostly they give me patience and remind me how important all the little stuff in life is and to just sit back and pay attention to any and every thing. Alright off to bed. Dustin is snoring away next to me. oh great! :) night night! :) :)